Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Year in June: Chapter 13

             “So what’s the good news?” June asked.
            Mina dropped the slice of raw salmon she had snagged between her chopsticks. “How did you know?” she asked.
            “You’ve been smiling to yourself all day. Also you eat less when you are excited. Salmon sashimi is your favorite—you must have bought it for dinner because you wanted to celebrate, yet you’ve barely eaten any of it!”
            “Observant as always,” Mina beamed, “you should become a detective or something.”
            June laughed but pressed on, not wanting to lose her advantage over the direction of the conversation, “have you met the love of your life?” she joked.
            “Would you be jealous?” Mina teased back.
            “Mecha jealous. Who is this man? Where can I find him?” June stabbed a slice of salmon with her chopstick to communicate her intentions.
            “ Not love of my life, something better. Joseph is coming to visit Japan in May! I never thanked him before for what he did for me. Now I can finally tell him.”
            June strained a smile, “that’s awesome! How long will he be here for?”
            “About a week probably.”
            “What for?”
            “A medical conference in Sendai.”
            “Cool.” June replied, no longer interested in learning more. It wasn’t that she disliked Joseph. In fact, she felt partial to him for saving Mina’s life. Yet he represented a bond that she could never hope to replicate despite spending many months living with Mina. In a week, Joseph had left more of an impact on Mina than June would in a year. For the first time since she arrived in Japan, she felt something akin to loneliness.


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