Monday, September 19, 2011

She laughed again, and as she did she leaned into me and I turned just enough that our mouths were lined up and she kissed me, a soft wet movement of flesh that sent a tingling all the way up to my toes. Her fingertips moved like raindrops over the peaks and valleys and plains of my puzzled-together head. The wind lifted her hair up on each side of our faces, leaving us, for a moment, in a small contained space, the only sound the moist friction of our lips.

She pulled away and scooted a few inches away from me on the steps. I felt as if I had no strength in me at all and I wanted to let myself fall into her, like an exhausted man falling into a feather bed, but somehow I managed to keep myself upright. For awhile, neither of us said anything. We looked out into the blue darkness and listened to the wind.

- The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint

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