Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mothers iPhone emails cheer me up best

Hi Kat,

I got your message knowing you will have busy and stressful weekend. But for my point of view I think some time people handle stress well that will change to motivation. How do you think? When you are doing things just as your own ability what you can do and having some confidence about yourself. Remember every time when you face challenge your mom always say to you"Jia You!".

This morning our only he chicken starting try to coo. Also it become very bossy and greedy around three of them. What we can do? Specially he is going to cooing. So this weekend Daddy and Alex will get rid of him. Poor thing! The picture show three our chickens.

Because you are busy this weekend So I wouldn't call you to disturb.
Wish you have a peaceful mind and good luck!!!



Sent from my iPhone

Monday, September 19, 2011

She laughed again, and as she did she leaned into me and I turned just enough that our mouths were lined up and she kissed me, a soft wet movement of flesh that sent a tingling all the way up to my toes. Her fingertips moved like raindrops over the peaks and valleys and plains of my puzzled-together head. The wind lifted her hair up on each side of our faces, leaving us, for a moment, in a small contained space, the only sound the moist friction of our lips.

She pulled away and scooted a few inches away from me on the steps. I felt as if I had no strength in me at all and I wanted to let myself fall into her, like an exhausted man falling into a feather bed, but somehow I managed to keep myself upright. For awhile, neither of us said anything. We looked out into the blue darkness and listened to the wind.

- The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Some great email clips I've received lately

On my proposed fellowship in Japan - from a Japanese professor at Tohoku University:
I want you to make two promises, however. One, make learning Japanese language (especially reading) your number one priority for you will find a lot of local publications that you must read here. Two, do an "old style" ethnography without overtheorizing; forget all the images you now have about the disaster and just "look" and "listen" when you

On following my passions in design - from a design blogger working (one of my) dream profession(s):
Toward the end of college I had the chance to meet a local design hero of mine. I asked him, “How can I do what you do?” He looked me straight in the face and said "you can't teach self creativity." To say I was shocked is an understatement. He sounded like he was telling me - you've either got it, or you don't. His choice of words was harsh and at first I was taken back by his honesty. I've lived with this moment in my head for more then 6 years and have not yet come to a conclusion whether he was correct.
I worked for an ad agency for 5 years and now work at a design consultancy. Not all of the work I do is glamorous but I do my best to make it fun. I am a firm believer that you can make something cool for every project. Whether it's hiding your initials in the background of an illustration or embossing the cover of a book with gold leaf. There is always a way to find something small to love about every project and finding that piece is so important.

On performance and dance - from a dancer who has far outstripped me in talent and dedication (:
I was just looking at the video of last night's performance. It reminded me of sophomore fall when I was super scared and intimidated of freestyling, but I watched you freestyle in Lowell Lecture Hall, and I thought "I want to do that. I want to be like Kat." And I just realized that I never told you that you were my main inspiration for wanting to freestyle. So yea, maybe I wouldn't be out on stage or even be so involved with the breakers if it weren't for you.

On the partying lifestyle - from a hilarious and (light weight) friend:
The 151 was somehow way too much...that one shot had me and my girlfriend feeling crappy until like 3am. =[ So I am definitely only staying at today's pregame for a little...haha.

and a bit later

Oh! Never mind, I got confused...that pregame was yesterday. Wow, I might still be drunk.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Senior year freshman mistakes

Today I walked into a nearly empty class (I thought the criminal law class was lotteried? I'm in luck this year!) and sat down only to realize that my grave error. Projected on the screen was something that looked like .. numbers... planets... and equations. Hello astrophysics class.

As the professor went on about copernicus and ptolemy I squirmed uncomfortably in my seat only registering the sweat marks on his shirt. There was a big splotchy one up top on his back and another by his abdomen, how did that one get there?

At the 30 minute mark I couldn't stand it anymore and bolted out the door before he had a chance to pace over to block the entrance.
