Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer Analyst Kat: Day Two

By day two I have already learned so much
1) Don't think you did a great job your first time around -- you probably didn't
2) Wear flipflops until it is absolutely necessary to wear formal shoes
3) BandAids are your friends
4) The world is ending/thunderstorms that are too close for comfort are not fun
5) George Foreman is a boss and I am a believer. See below for hands down best meal ever.

Grilled chicken skewers and a grilled cheese sandwich

There's no cutting board to be found so a baking sheet it will have to be. Janky but an intern's gotta do what an intern's gotta do. Anyway, who knew salt, pepper, chili, sugar, and oil could be so delicious? I'm grilling everything from now on. Just look at those grill marks! You know it's gotta be good when it's got lines of burnt-ness on it. (And the pesto sauce came in handy -- it's covered in cheese on the second picture)

R came over after dinner and we both feared for the ending of our world as we knew it. To combat our fear we had G&Ts and watched Mad Men (what else would you be doing when the world ends?)

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