Sunday, June 19, 2011

Long/Fun weekend = short post

Another weekend has flown by, as they always do. The two birthday parties definitely made it a more memorable non-memory type of weekend. The best.

I'm lazy and tired so I'll let the pictures do the talking.

The one type of pancake-like food I CAN make. Omelet! With parsley & bacon, smothered with cheese. Yommm.

Cupcakes made for J's bday party (: SO MUCH SUGAR. I cackled (seriously, ask my roommate) as I poured the cups and cups of sugar, butter, and more sugar and butter into the mixing bowl. Also made a chocolate ganache cake that required 16 oz (that's an entire bottle) of chocolate syrup. Dear lord.

This week it's.. vegetarian week! And what better way to kick it off than with Chinese food? Chinese food has too many sauces to measure them out and throw them in with measuring spoons. Especially when you forget to put down the previous sauce as you're pouring your new table spoon. OOPS, can we say 1tsp salt and a whole ton of soy sauce? (See eggplants to the right) Still good though. No worries.

Leftover mini cupcakes. This is really going to help my diet. A lot.

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