Thursday, July 15, 2010

The hour before lunchbreak

Africa is messy. In a strange way – it functions on the surface but beneath there are all types of problems that force people to adapt on a day to day basis that they are surprisingly good at. The internet cables under the ocean have eroded because while they were working no one cared about their maintenance. I can't quite determine if this attitude arises because there are always more pressing issues at hand, or if it is because there is a day by day attitude to life. When speaking with a taxi driver about the World Cup in Brazil he responded “yes if we are alive in 4 years”. Alive in 40 years, possibly questionable, but alive in 4 was always a given. Although 5 minutes after we nearly were hit by another car, to which the taxi driver gave me another quote “we are the heroes eh, we don't die easily”. I felt very uneasy that night.
People say to live each day as if it were your last, but perhaps if that were the case people would live a life of decadence and possibly ruin. Not exactly sure where I'm going with this train of thought – just that if I were to live my life 'to the fullest' knowing I won't be around 4 years down the line I would lead a very different life.

On a more light hearted note – mother is coming this Saturday - the only planning I've done thus far is that A, a young Cape Townian man living his dream studying as an actor, is saving me 400 rand by helping me pick up my mom from the airport.

Just got a text from the shop saying my laptop is ready for pick up. Oh gravy, wish me luck.

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