Monday, January 16, 2012

And... Boston

Chillin' at an airport because they believed I wouldn't make it to the 830am flight. Well, I could have made it if you didn't change my ticket to 11am. Damn you Toronto-Pearson.

Anyway, 8:50am, which is really for me 5:50am, is a great time to reflect on my break thus far. Let's see what I accomplished...

- Take house dance classes and choreograph for Cultural Rhythms (Partially done, this is what the last week of break will be dedicated to. Hello lowell dance studio!)
- Cook at least twice a week, probably more (Eh, more like probably not. Ate out way too much to do this. But I did make:

Tomato-moz-basil and asparagus-prosciutto-pancetta pizza

Delish lamb with herb and breadcrumb rub

Chinese veggies courtesy of Rli's dad's recipe (now a family favorite)

Chinese soup also courtesy of Rli's dad's recipe - omnom, workin' on my Chinese cooking

Pepperoni and cheddar stuffed mushrooms (devoured in seconds)

- Relearn how to drive (Check, basically without a scratch or incident. Ok, so there was that one red light but that was it, really!)
- Kick it with friends (Did a TON of this, which was awesome)
- Play Skyrim (K.R. leveled up twice or so, nb nb)

Additional things done:
- Spend quality time with S in Napa and San Francisco
- Discover new bars in San Jose (TANQ Mondays and Singlebarrel I'm looking at you)
- Realize how awesomely fun my family is
- Spent 4 stressful/busy/cold but fruitful/eventful/fun days in Vancouver with the WorldMUN 2012 host team
- Watch a meteor shower (somewhat)
- Visit Davis & a honky tonk bar (not sure how I feel about the latter)
- Realize how lucky I am and how awesome certain people are (;
- Get introduced to a new hill and spend lots of time at the old one
- Make the worst football bets known to man

This break was fantastic. I have never had so much fun, nor have I missed home so much after a break. Both looking forward to and dreading next semester. What's ahead?

- Fellowship Apps
- Cultural Rhythms (c'mon choreo..)
- WorldMUN 2012!!
- Friends
- Drinks
- 32 Restaurants, many bars, go go go
- Senior Week
- Graduation

Say what!? Last semester here we go.

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