Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Letting go

Today I found out that my favorite spot in San Jose (tied with "the hill") was no longer accessible. This past month, someone had vandalized the spot and there were also safety concerns involved.

The rooftop of San Jose City Hall has so many memories for me, I was almost in shock the moment I turned the handle and could not open the door. Ever since the summer before my Senior year of high school the rooftop had been a place of solace, fun, imagination, anything and everything. The place where I could play a greater being with the power to bend roads, catch planes, and jump from rooftop to rooftop around downtown with ease and grace. A place where the wind always blew.

"Sometimes, those things you thought were always there just aren't anymore and you have to let go of them" [that's paraphrased].

It's hard to let go. I guess I am sentimental about places and memories after all [kind of like you said]. But I'm glad that today even though I had to let go of a memory, I was able to make a new great one.

Cheers to that 2012.

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