Thursday, February 9, 2012

What's up

This semester has been pretty packed so far (with readings 2 anthro courses and an english literature course? What was I thinking?) but not unrewarding. A lot of little things and one big thing has made the last 2 weeks awesome.

Last weekend, chairing with N and S, my high school role models, at SCVMUN was awesome. High School kids have so much energy, I can't believe N can still keep up with them, I definitely couldn't. Definitely a great pre-WorldMUN experience and a good chance to spend some time at home.

Made this lamb hot pot (next picture is what was on the inside). Didn't quite turn out as awesomely delicious as I intended but still was all finished by the end of dinner.

Yes I know this is at some weird rotation. Too lazy to fix.

Last night I received a phone call from a friend "Kat... I need your help. We have 1,000 dollars of open tab at Russell House Tavern and can't possibly finish it all. Hurry!" That would be what I get asked to help out with. Almost needless to say I gave up almost all of today to last night.

Today I had a group gchat with my siblings:

Alexander: i've been missing ouy
me: what were you doing?
Fiona: ouy?
Alexander: stuff
Fiona: oy?
me: shady
Alexander: randon stuff
Fiona: randon?
me: why are you so shady alex
fiona's a stickler for spelling
Alexander: why you little...
Fiona: ha
Alexander: RAGE
Fiona: he
Alexander: ...

Amusing (:

Dinner with a friend tomorrow and then Senior Bar afterwards. Looking forward to Saturday and then Sunday brunch at Saus. All good things, just taking it one week at a time.

Also, 30 days until WorldMUN - crazy!

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