Sunday, February 23, 2014

Berkeley Wandering Pt. 2

Today I decided to walk to Monterey Market, a produce grocery store only .6 miles away. It was a gorgeous Sunday afternoon and walking outside reminded why the west coast is truly the best coast (also the bus wasn't coming for another 56 minutes and I was getting tired of waiting).

Monterey Market itself was amazing--full aisles dedicated to different types of produce. A whole aisle for root vegetables, and aisle for mushrooms (my favorite!), an aisle for avocados and tomatoes, you name it. Each aisle contained at least one item that I had never heard of or never seen anywhere else--pretty excited to find some recipes for these odd whatchamacallits. There was also a fresh juice machine in the front and I was very tempted to buy some fresh apple juice and make spiced/mulled hard apple cider (is that a thing? It should be a thing).

Working the juicer. If only I wasn't allergic to fruits...

How do you eat this??

Mushroom aisle. I die.

Creepily taking photos of other people shopping. Check out all the weird root veggies. 

There's something soothing about exploring aisles in a grocery store. Or maybe that's the procrastinating-law-school-work side of me talking.

After Monterey Market I got sucked into two more shops on the walk back--a butcher shop and a coffee cheese store. The people running the cheese shop were extremely nice and gave me all sorts of free cheese samples. While they told me what to pair with my cheese and I nibbled on sample after sample I couldn't help but think that this was what a neighborhood should feel like. The lady who came after me was greeted by name and received a free chunk of cheese that the guy behind the counter had been "saving for her." I need to go back.

And they had cute Japanese cups in their window display!
On the walk back I saw an old couple side by side on their canes walking in my direction. They stopped to confer about something and the overhang of a blossoming tree between them and I framed them perfectly. Unfortunately there was a guy walking behind me and I was too embarrassed to look like a creep taking photos of an old adorable couple--such a shame.

Instead I got a picture of the side of this weird toy shop

And a doll house! That framed emboss up top, wow.
All in all a successful afternoon of wandering around Berkeley. The residential areas are very nice, especially as it seems spring is around the corner. Which also means allergy season is coming up soon. Next time, Berkeley Wandering on Allergy Medication. Promises to be interesting.

Gonna make some harvest roast chicken with grapes, olives, and rosemary tonight.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Weekend with T

This past weekend T came to visit from Japan.

I rushed through the airport almost teared up as I caught sight of her sitting at the airport door--with her snapback hat, big suitcase and oversized red backpack looking for all the world like it was totally normal for her to be in California. In America!

Throughout the weekend we brought up old inside jokes and created some new ones. We also spent a lot of time with my family during a car ride to Napa where we played family feud with some pretty funny results.

K: name something people get chased by in movies
Mom: boyfriend! 

K: other than a bull what big animal would you not want in your china shop
T: panda

K: Name something people buy to show they are successful
F: money
A: children

K: Summer sport using a ball
T: beach balley
K: beach ballet?
T: yes K: ballet?
T: yes (mimes serving a ball)
K: volley! Beach volleyball!

 K: when someone's waiting for you after you go to the bathroom what do you say when you come out and see them waiting?
T: the flush is broken
K: ....

T reminds me that it's important to stay connected to those who I care about and who care about me. I hope we will meet again soon and that when we do...she'll finally want to build a snowman.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Do you have any personal experience with lateral support?

8am shenanigans

M: ah gotcha. yeah wheat’s the weather like?
K: grainy

J: are those cheetos
K: no, they're a japanese snack I grabbed out of my cabinet
they're called "curls" or as this bag says"karl"
J: I can smell them, karls
K: want one?
J: kinda. what is japanese cheese like?
K: haha, I'll pass you one after doremus stops looking this way
J: hahaha
J: omg, shut up I want a karl
K: hahahahahhaha

S: lateral support?
K: yeah when the professor calls on people
she asks stuff like
"have you ever lost something?"
"have you ever misplaced something?"
but when she called on me she was like "do you have any personal experience with lateral support?"
and I was like...uh.... no
S: hahahah, i have no idea what that is
K: it's when there's a land on top of a hill and another land beneath that hill
and then someone like carves out a piece of the hill
S: like a hobbit den
K: then the land on top of the hill kind of landslides/crumbles down
yeah, and then gandalfs land falls down the hill because there's no lateral support
S: then gandalfs all like
you shall not pass bitch

J: I'll start coughing really loud to cover up the noise of opening that bag
K: hahahahaha
or she should make a joke
and everyone should laugh
so I can open this bag
J: no one's listening, no one will hear the joke