Sunday, September 22, 2013

One Month Checkin: Law School!

It has only been a month since I started Law School, but it feels like forever. The sheer amount of information that has been packed into this past month (and reading, activities, etc) has been way denser than any other point in my life. ever.

I've met some really interesting people, but since studying seems to be everyone's top priority it's hard to find time to really connect with other law school students. In fact, I've probably hung out more with my roommate JM's med program friends more than I have with most of my own cohort.

In a nut shell law school has been intellectually challenging, intensely stressful, and socially a mixed bag. But moreover I see potential lawsuits and liability EVERYWHERE. I should make an app called "you can sue for that". Next stop, MBA.

----Bonus material, a post I wrote two weeks back and was just too tired to press "post" or something---

Titled: Eat, Sleep, Read, Repeat

Two weeks into law school and it's been incredibly busy. Every day I wake up around 7am (which, for those of you who know me well is a feat in itself), walk for 10 minutes, bus for 10 minutes, and then arrive for my first class at 8:30am. From there it's a blur of Civil Procedure, Criminal law, Legal research and writing, and torts, plus a lot of reading and briefing in the library thrown in the somewhere (and sometimes lunch) until it's 5:00pm and time to head back home to cook dinner and hang out at Funderland(tm) with the homies and sometimes do more work/reading. 1L is like having a job!

The material is dense and intricate but incredibly interesting. Each reading assignment is like overcoming a small very jumbled obstacle. Hopefully it becomes at least slightly easier over time.

Some days are very rough for academic reasons. Some days are rough for other reasons. Yesterday was a day of burn-out academics. Today was a day of burn-out emotions. At least every day's different.

Heading out to Lake Tahoe this weekend for some R&R with my trusty Criminal law and Legal research and writing books in tow! It'll be nice to get outside for a while before I get right back to the grind.

My brain is fried--hope this post makes some semblance of sense. Have a happy labor day weekend y'all!

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