Sunday, November 18, 2012

Tagged from Deviantart

I haven't done one of these blog questionnaires in a very long time, but I was tagged in one by grayscaled on Deviantart ( Since she made the questions specifically for me (and 9 others) I felt compelled to take a stab at them.

1 – Are you content with your life? Why/what would you change if you could?
The overall answer is yes. I feel incredibly lucky to have this fellowship to Japan, a supportive bfbf (best friend boyfriend :), supportive friends (old and new!), and an open future. The last part is a point of concern at the moment, but I wouldn't say it's a negative thing--I guess despite the anxiety it causes, I wouldn't change it.  
2 – How important is love for you? On a scale 1-10. Why?
Love is for saps. I would say 10. I guess I'm a sap.
3 – Do your friends/relatives/close people know who you really are? If not, why?
I would say they know me better than they know myself. Either that or I'm easily impressionable (wait a second...) 
4 – Do you do things you consider important yourself, or base your actions in accordance to what other people want/expect of you? Why/why not.
I do what I want. I do wut I wahnt. But is what I want learned from what my parents/peers/literature/society expects? Most likely. 
5 – Name 3 of your best traits (the ones you like yourself, not by popular opinion)
Wanderlust, Spontaneity, Openness
6 – Name and describe 3 of your negative qualities that you actually likeand consider to be irreversible parts of your character. (I.e – I'm lazy, but that means I value my strength and time, and if I was a workaholic, I'd waste away.)
I dont like to spend time working--this means I try to either work efficiently or allocate specific time to work so I have time to play; Design OCD--alignment makes me happy; Nativity--I'd rather be trusting than cynical 
7 – Are you obsessed with anything? What is it?
I am obsessed with mixed drinks (and beer.. and wine..)--one day (soon) I will travel around England/Scotland bar tending (or maybe Australia)
8 – If you could be anything/anyone in the world, what/who would it be? Why?
I don't think there is anyone I would rather be. But maybe if I could be anyTHING I would try out being a hawk for a day. That would be freakin awesome. 
9 – Do you have a general idea of what you want to have/do in life? What is it?
General is the word. I want to do good. Whatever that means.  
10 – Do you believe in the afterlife? If yes, what kind – if no, why?
I would like to believe in an afterlife, but I'm not sure if I do yet.

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