Thursday, October 11, 2012

Vol IV (Final Installation)

Pro: The LSAT is over and done with
Con: Not feeling overly positive about the result, but we'll have to wait and see
Pro: No more 4 hour classes from 6-10pm twice a week
Con: No more awesome doodle time

Pro: Leaving for Japan tomorrow morning. How crazy!

And now, the final installation of drawings:

Unsure what she's doing. Falling or something cooler?
Bittersweet symphony (of cars)
The little bubbles are zoom in shots of what's on top of the waterfalls
Random alcohol related doodles.. unsure where it was going 
Hair inspired by college roommate, haha
Side of pencil sketches evolved into something resembling a landscape

I just realized that all my faces tend towards facing (my) left. Strange. I hope you've enjoyed the set! Back to less drawing and more writing/wandering next time on jumplittlewanderer.

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