Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I have arrived

Ishinomaki, Japan. Where I am not entirely sure what I want to get out of this year, but I can already tell it's going to be an extremely busy one.

Everyday so far I have woken up at or before the crack of dawn, anywhere from 4:50am to 5:30am to get some free time before the day kicks off at 8am.

The past two days I have:
- Gone on a soul searching walk along the shoreline: where once there was a beach now there is only the breakwater)
- Torn down a house ravaged by the tsunami so that we can help rebuild: tearing down comes before building up
- Helped cook for upwards of 20 people: very different from the usual "gourmet" cooking that I attempt at home
- Been surrounded by Christian belief: the organization I am with is a Christian organization
- Decided with my roommate to get a puppy: asjfhaksudfhkasjdfh pics soon hopefully

There are a lot of thoughts formulating in my head around reconstruction efforts, religion, community, and land. I'll post more insights as they become more coherent.

So far just enjoying the fresh mountain/seaside air and getting excited for the next couple of months to come!

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