Monday, October 31, 2011

Tales of Halloween

Halloween has always been an interesting time of year for me.

My first Halloween [age:5]
I had just come to the states and was trying to make friends in my elementary school. For some reason I ended up with a pumpkin costume for Halloween that my parents thought was adorable. All the other girls were princesses and cute witches and I was a round, bright orange pumpkin. Mortified, I considered not going out for Halloween, but the lure of free candy (despite not liking sweets, or perhaps I did at the time and the dislike developed later) was too much for young Yun-Yun to withstand. Needless to say that night I ended up knocking on the door of one of the most popular girls in my grade who nearly screeched with laughter "Oh my goodness.. are you.. a... pumpkin??" Never again.

Trick-or-Treating with Siblings [age: 13]
I had been looking forward to Halloween. Middle school had been a difficult time for me and found myself thinking I could get through things by looking forward to going trick-or-treating with old friends... and my little brother (and their little brothers). This was his first Halloween ever and it was my job to make sure he had a good time. I was getting to old to trick or treat alone anyway (hah, right) so we used our siblings as an excuse to go for candy. Things were going relatively well at first as my brother was still trying to soak in the glory that is receiving free candy from strangers. However by the end of the night the novelty had started to wear off. Soon he was noticing other things like... the old lady who answered the door "Trick-or-treat! Hey! You are an OLD girl, why are you look so old?" or the smell of the Indian house-hold "Trick-or-treat! Oh! It is STINKY. Why is it smell so bad??" Seriously, never again.

Trick-or-Treating in a Gated Community [age: 15]
Cons: Houses are way too spread apart; contrary to popular belief, uber-rich people actually give out less candy; why do rich people always live on hills/mountains??
Pros: Many who did not plan to give out candy feel bad and give out money instead, uber-win

Trick-or-Treating Senior year [age: 17]
See you can never be too old to go trick-or-treating. Senior year t&t was awesome. Clearly, the older you get, the more awesome Trick-or-treating gets.


  1. I feel bad for the five-year-old and thirteen-year-old you XD But at least you got to trick or treat. I've only been once when I was little, and my mom wouldn't even let me keep the candy -__-

  2. five year old Kat made me laugh, and so did the picture, hahaha
