Friday, July 15, 2011

Touchy Penguin

Yesterday was amazing. From the moment I woke up everything was fun...and free!

Summer outing with the company was a great time. K, my "little breaker brother", was my guest for the day. We started off by catching up and walking with a group of interns to the New England Aquarium. A super-filling lunch with some wine and good company later the day was already looking splendid. Add to that mix one photograph with a touchy penguin (M: His flipper was touching my ass! It was so ridiculous I didn't say anything), a boat ride on the Codzilla that soaked me through and through, watching penguins try to climb mountains, taking pictures of K throughout the Aquarium to make RYE jealous, free drinks + apps at happy hour and come out with one super fantabulous day.

Topped it all off with free tickets from M to the last Harry Potter at the 9pm showing (whatever happened to midnight showings being at midnight?). Even though I had been complaining about how everyone and their coworker (literally) was talking about the show it was pretty cool being offered a ticket last minute and seeing the end of an era.

This weekend is looking to be epic.
3 booked restaurants (hello restaurant week!).
1 wine bar.
2 speakeasies.
1 club (so far) w/free tickets (see, it's a trend I'm telling you) to see Cosmic Gate.
1 food flea market (smorgasbord, it even sounds cool)
1 mp3 experiment
& tons of friends

Super excited (:

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