Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day

July 4th contained a good mix of friends, food, and festivities. Hung out with the guys in DeWolf, grabbed a dinner with the girls, and hung out with new friends at 7 idontrememberthenamenow street.

Although the fireworks were largely hidden behind a bunch of trees and one largely annoying pine, it was still an enjoyable time.

The walk back with N, my summer roommate, was hilarious as this random indian man who was walking within a few feet of us started to make conversation. He told us his name at the end but we were so incredulous I forgot. Let's just call him R, for rando.

R: [walks up to us and attempts to strike up a conversation] Hey... so what year are you?
Me: [shocked] Uh.... seniors....
R: In high school?
Me: [more shock]... no... in college
R: Oh, what college? I could have sworn you guys were in high school? You look so... younnnggg....
N: We're from BU (Boston University)
R: Oh really? Not from Harvard? I'm from Harvard, you know. From the grad school of education.
Me: Oh. cool.
R: [insert awkward comments/questions here about our backgrounds; where we're from, etc etc]
Me: [awkward half truth/terse answers]
R: So, where do you live?
Me: By Sommerville [false, I live in the square]
R: Cool I live by Garden Street. You should know where that is.
N: [whispers: I think he's onto us]
Me: Uh, we need to go this way..bye!
R: Nice to meet you, my name is aoijfseil;safjkdald, you?
Me: [super awkwardly long I'm-clearly-lying-to-you pause] ..... Ann
R: And you?
N: ..... uh, Mary
R: Ok. Bye
Mary & Ann: ..BYE!!

As he walks away and is still within earshot N and I absolutely crack up laughing. Awkward pedophile pick-up lines? Mary? Ann? Mary-Ann?? We clearly need to get better at this. All in all a hilarious cap to our 4th of July.

Happy Independence Day y'all!