Sunday, July 24, 2011

Summer Analyst Kat: 14 Days Left

Exactly two weeks before I pack my bags and head off to a whirlwind Southeast Asia adventure. Well, hopefully I will have my bags packed before then as I am getting kicked out of my apartment next weekend. Bummer, need to bum around on someone(with airconditioning??)'s floor. Hopefully figuring that one out soon.

I've been a delinquent about posting food pictures. I've also been losing steam on the cooking front so luckily there isn't too much to update.

Kat's last stand:

Pita bread things. They were yummy albeit not too to my taste.
My Chinese side will never see Mezes as the equivalent to a meal, no matter how much I like jalapeno-cilantro hummus.

Marinated and grilled shrimp (yum) and Indian cauliflower.
The cauliflower was definitely the more difficult of the two, nearly coughed my lungs out from all the spices!

Shrimp fried rice.. ah so good. Fried rice is so comforting; also made a lot better than what I did last time. The key is to make a well in the middle of the rice to put the egg in (no need to beat ahead of time) and let it cook just a little bit before breaking it up into the rest of the fried rice.

Veggie week: Balsamic tofu veggie stacker (bottom up: grilled zucchini, bell-pepper, tomato, tofu, and mushroom) .
Never appreciated zucchini before making this. Pretty darned juicy.

Mother's recipe. Always good (:
Beef and bell-pepper in some magically delicious seasoning

Lately this is what it has come down to. Lots of instant noodles.
(Thanks to A and K for being providers for the last 2 days!!)
Trying to survive for a week on 50 dollars - time to cut down that decadent lifestyle!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Work life realizations

Today during work I realized how sad it must have been for a telephone company caller to hear, through the line, a ten year old girl's voice quavering while trying to speak of matters beyond her years while an older woman spoke a mix of broken English and Chinese at her in the background.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Touchy Penguin

Yesterday was amazing. From the moment I woke up everything was fun...and free!

Summer outing with the company was a great time. K, my "little breaker brother", was my guest for the day. We started off by catching up and walking with a group of interns to the New England Aquarium. A super-filling lunch with some wine and good company later the day was already looking splendid. Add to that mix one photograph with a touchy penguin (M: His flipper was touching my ass! It was so ridiculous I didn't say anything), a boat ride on the Codzilla that soaked me through and through, watching penguins try to climb mountains, taking pictures of K throughout the Aquarium to make RYE jealous, free drinks + apps at happy hour and come out with one super fantabulous day.

Topped it all off with free tickets from M to the last Harry Potter at the 9pm showing (whatever happened to midnight showings being at midnight?). Even though I had been complaining about how everyone and their coworker (literally) was talking about the show it was pretty cool being offered a ticket last minute and seeing the end of an era.

This weekend is looking to be epic.
3 booked restaurants (hello restaurant week!).
1 wine bar.
2 speakeasies.
1 club (so far) w/free tickets (see, it's a trend I'm telling you) to see Cosmic Gate.
1 food flea market (smorgasbord, it even sounds cool)
1 mp3 experiment
& tons of friends

Super excited (:

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My heart is turgent and my intransigence won't take no for an answer

R and I learned some GRE vocab for kicks today by picking 2 flashcards (courtesy of R's roommate) at a time and coming up with pick up lines. Pick up lines are difficult to come up with!

The summer has been slow as I was put on hold regarding an assignment to Singapore. Turns out I'll be staying here. Oh well, let the good times (continue) roll(ing).

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Summer days Kat: Week x (scrubbing documents)

Vegetarian week continues this week with Grilled Veggie and Tofu Stack with Balsamic and Mint; Grilled Pitas with Tomatoes, Olives, and Feta; Indian BBQ Cauliflour; a spinach and egg concoction; and an actual camera.

Exciting stuff, folks. Running to wholefoods for exercise.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day

July 4th contained a good mix of friends, food, and festivities. Hung out with the guys in DeWolf, grabbed a dinner with the girls, and hung out with new friends at 7 idontrememberthenamenow street.

Although the fireworks were largely hidden behind a bunch of trees and one largely annoying pine, it was still an enjoyable time.

The walk back with N, my summer roommate, was hilarious as this random indian man who was walking within a few feet of us started to make conversation. He told us his name at the end but we were so incredulous I forgot. Let's just call him R, for rando.

R: [walks up to us and attempts to strike up a conversation] Hey... so what year are you?
Me: [shocked] Uh.... seniors....
R: In high school?
Me: [more shock]... no... in college
R: Oh, what college? I could have sworn you guys were in high school? You look so... younnnggg....
N: We're from BU (Boston University)
R: Oh really? Not from Harvard? I'm from Harvard, you know. From the grad school of education.
Me: Oh. cool.
R: [insert awkward comments/questions here about our backgrounds; where we're from, etc etc]
Me: [awkward half truth/terse answers]
R: So, where do you live?
Me: By Sommerville [false, I live in the square]
R: Cool I live by Garden Street. You should know where that is.
N: [whispers: I think he's onto us]
Me: Uh, we need to go this way..bye!
R: Nice to meet you, my name is aoijfseil;safjkdald, you?
Me: [super awkwardly long I'm-clearly-lying-to-you pause] ..... Ann
R: And you?
N: ..... uh, Mary
R: Ok. Bye
Mary & Ann: ..BYE!!

As he walks away and is still within earshot N and I absolutely crack up laughing. Awkward pedophile pick-up lines? Mary? Ann? Mary-Ann?? We clearly need to get better at this. All in all a hilarious cap to our 4th of July.

Happy Independence Day y'all!