Monday, September 27, 2010

It went on and on and..

I was asleep in a bed in Shanghai circa a mixture between the 1920s and 2001. Awoken by my alarm on my crappy Nokia cellphone that I used in South Africa, I rolled out of bed and went about my daily morning duties before A, my fellow intern in Cape Town, a group of friends, and a teacher figure who was a mix between Madame and Professor Theidon (some intimidating female figure) walk in.

No sooner than the people had walked in did the alarm start going off again. This set off a mad scramble to find the phone - no where! Where was that annoying alarm coming from? Eventually I found the phone, but its data had been erased and all that was left were photographs of revelry. None of which I recognized or was in. Frustrated I chased after the group of people who had already left, eager to get away from the loud and obnoxiously ringing alarm.

Going through the revolving doors and into the misty weather I eventually caught up with the group at a corner shop. The alarm was still ringing. A showed up in a qipao telling me that Madame/Theidon really cared about my family and had bought us all sorts of small goods. I complained "The world is an alarm! It's warning me!"

And then I woke up and realized my alarm had been ringing for the past 10 minutes. Whew, seemed like a day in dream-time. Inception complete.

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