Saturday, March 23, 2013

Visas, the bane of my traveling experiences

Both times I have tried to get into Japan from my trips to the US and now to Korea, I have been stopped from boarding the airplane.

 In Detriot Delta told me that I may not be able to get into Japan---was that ok with me? (answer: yes, I can deal with it once I get to Japan). 

In Seoul they would not let me get my ticket. Period. The immigration office of Japan wanted to fax the airlines a copy of my approved visa (but seriously, what country other than Japan even uses fax machines anymore?), but the ticketing agent only looked at me funny. "A what? A fox?" But apparently a scan wasn't good enough either. At this point there was only one hour before my flight and I was starting to get a bit worried. The ticketing agent suggested to go to a Korean Airlines ticket office and purchase a ticket showing I would leave Japan--and then get it refunded right afterward for only a 30 dollar charge. But then it turned out that the ticketing office didn't even have the ability to book flights coming out of Japan. 

Sweating buckets, I plopped down next to a trashcan, pulled out my phone that was now at 20% battery, and bought a ticket via Kayak at lightening speed. Still not sure this would do the trick (it was a trip to california and then BACK to Japan) I went up and showed it to the ticketing agent. At this point he probably wanted me to get on the flight as much as I wanted to get on the flight and okayed this ticket. Right after he passed back my phone I got an email saying that my ticket had actually not been purchased due to some system error. Score. Rushing through the airport I get to my gate in time to realize I have forgotten to get my tax back. 

In Japan the immigration officer asks, "what are you doing in Japan?"
"Is someone coming to pick you up?"
"I'm taking a bus to Ishinomaki"
"Welcome to Japan."

Who knew traveling without proper visas was such a hassle in countries outside of the one I am traveling to. 

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