Monday, January 28, 2013

Back on track

I've been really bad about updating lately--ugh.

Boston/NYC was a blast and I spent so many late nights with people that I couldn't really feel my jetlag at all.

I was worried that I would be stopped at the airport in Japan and not allowed into the country but that fear turned out to be unfounded. Instead I was almost not let ON the plane in Boston. Luckily the lady let me go on with a warning "just know that you might not be let into Japan and then you'll have to come back." Great. The only I think I got from the immigration officer herself in Japan was "welcome to Japan!" HAH, take that Delta-lady-behind-the-counter-in-Boston.

This upcoming sunday I'll be going to Osaka & Nara for a week--so excited! I get to stay with T and her family that I've heard so much about. Plus I get to see all of her high school photos of when she had blue hair...

Around the time I get back from Osaka I'll hear back from one of the law schools I've been waiting on. Keep your fingers crossed!

Lots of traveling these upcoming months
Feb: Osaka & Nara with T; M (ex. Innosight co-worker) will be joining us too
March: Korea with R, auditioning to becoming a kpop star
April: Mom & sister are coming & taking Momo back with them ): Momooooo

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