Sunday, June 24, 2012

Trigger happy

The past few days have been a feast for the eyes. I'm sure that all the reaching for the camera will become a compulsive habit soon enough. Although this is my last day in Barcelona, the visual imagery will last me for a long time. It's too bad that images can barely do experience justice.

Gaudi's works - all extremely interesting.
This one reminds me of rage faces.
Inside the Gothic Cathedral. Absolutely breath-taking
Creeper picture of a couple enjoying the view from Mont Juic 
Even the Modern Art building itself was a work of art
Setting sunlight reflecting off Olympic stadium
Detail shot with R
Last night I had a taste of true Spanish revelry. After the Spain-France Euro Cup match, where Spain won 2-0, R and I took 2 steps over from the bar to the beach. (There was another bar and tequila in there somewhere - tequila being the foreshadowing for a good time) The beach, due to the celebration, became a mine field of sparklers and even full blown fireworks. Inebriated, we found ourselves going to the one safe zone - the ocean!

Thoroughly soaked, we headed home. Sometimes leaving the camera behind is a good idea. 

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