Friday, April 13, 2012

Life Lessons from a Second Semester Senior

1) There is no such thing as second semester senior when you’ve lived the sss lifestyle for half of your college career. Somehow this second semester is more packed and stressful than many a semester I’ve had in the past. Maybe senior week will be that promised drunken, debaucherous, devil-may-care mess?
2) If you have any inkling what you want to do after college pursue it. After almost an entire year of trial-and-error applying to fellowships my dreams for next year have finally come true. I’ve received a fellowship to travel to Japan, rebuild a community, and document this process through photo and video. Eventually this will all cumulate in a visual memoire and exhibit. It’s like the thesis I never got to do in college. Pretty sweet deal.
3) Be proud of what you’ve accomplished during your time at Harvard. Oftentimes we downplay the sheer amount of stuff we’ve accomplished. It wasn’t until I was at a mock interview for the fellowship that I was told by interviewers how much I had to offer. “Talk more about the human rights work you did in South Africa. You spent a summer breakdancing in Japan, I mean, that’s crazy! Talk about your 4 years of dance experience. What about all those photo/visual projects you’ve completed? Didn’t you work for a week with Habitat for Humanity in Alabama?” I had to play myself up to myself, but in the process I got to reflect on just how much fun I’ve had during my time at college. I am a completely different person from when I first walked in due to these great experiences.
4) Letting go is surprisingly hard. The excitement of WorldMUN gearing up for yet another year is incredible. Yet for the first time in 4 years I will not be a part of this new team. Yes I still stalk the worldmun inbox, yes I try to get the low down on interviews whenever possible. Who knew letting go of a source of so much stress this past year would be so hard?? I guess I’ll just have to drop by next year, wherever it may be.
5) Friendships are tough. I’ve been getting lazy with the trying to catch up with everyone mentality. When there’s only a month left I should try harder, especially with people close to me. Since I will no longer be in Boston next year I won’t be able to pop in and say hi every so often. Can’t hold grudges when there’s so little time left - gotta get on that.
6) Summer planning is tough. But hey New Orleans, Las Vegas, Napa, Spain, Morocco, Germany, Czech Republic, and Turkey are going to be fun.

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