Wednesday, February 15, 2012

No rest for the weary

I have 100+ unread 9gag posts on my RSS feed: true indicator of how little down time there's been lately.

Monday, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays are hellish for school and WorldMUN and Thursdays and Fridays are times when I need to get my creativity kicking for my documentary & VES class which... I have not done anything for yet. Weekends? Readings, response papers, and response questions.

Senior spring is not quite where it should be yet, but the pockets of time spent with friends and R have been lovely and oh so very appreciated (:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

What's up

This semester has been pretty packed so far (with readings 2 anthro courses and an english literature course? What was I thinking?) but not unrewarding. A lot of little things and one big thing has made the last 2 weeks awesome.

Last weekend, chairing with N and S, my high school role models, at SCVMUN was awesome. High School kids have so much energy, I can't believe N can still keep up with them, I definitely couldn't. Definitely a great pre-WorldMUN experience and a good chance to spend some time at home.

Made this lamb hot pot (next picture is what was on the inside). Didn't quite turn out as awesomely delicious as I intended but still was all finished by the end of dinner.

Yes I know this is at some weird rotation. Too lazy to fix.

Last night I received a phone call from a friend "Kat... I need your help. We have 1,000 dollars of open tab at Russell House Tavern and can't possibly finish it all. Hurry!" That would be what I get asked to help out with. Almost needless to say I gave up almost all of today to last night.

Today I had a group gchat with my siblings:

Alexander: i've been missing ouy
me: what were you doing?
Fiona: ouy?
Alexander: stuff
Fiona: oy?
me: shady
Alexander: randon stuff
Fiona: randon?
me: why are you so shady alex
fiona's a stickler for spelling
Alexander: why you little...
Fiona: ha
Alexander: RAGE
Fiona: he
Alexander: ...

Amusing (:

Dinner with a friend tomorrow and then Senior Bar afterwards. Looking forward to Saturday and then Sunday brunch at Saus. All good things, just taking it one week at a time.

Also, 30 days until WorldMUN - crazy!