Sunday, April 3, 2011

My life from now on

Today we had a final dinner with the 2011 team for WorldMUN.
The founder of the conference was there and she gave super sweet gifts to everyone. Everybody got mugs, a Starbucks gift certificate, and a flashlight/watch. The seniors got a bottle of Veuve Clicquot champagne and a personalized note. Reihan got this amazing plaque with a glass globe. I got a Swarovski crystal Singapore orchid.

All the gifts aside... another year of WorldMUN draws to a close. Except next year it's on me and an amazing team of 30 to yet again pull off a stellar conference. It's amazing what responsibility will do to a person to make them feel and act more accountable on all fronts. Now that I realize I get to pull the shots, I'm really prioritizing differently. And I was only officially elected Thursday.

4 years later, after running my first conference for 400 people I am now once again running another conference for 2,000+. These 4 years have taught me a lot about how to work in and with a team. How to manage my time. How to live a little more. I would not trade my experiences with WorldMUN, breakers, blockmates, South Africa, Japan, friends, family, etc. etc. with anything.

I can only hope that next year will be not only just as phenomenal, but so much more. And that so much more may not be objective. Clearly conferences take on the personalities of the people who lead them (and I'm curious to see how THAT will turn out!), and so by so much more... I already know that through the work I put in... the conference will be so much more to me. I'm anxious. But excited.

This year's not over yet (and the summer has yet to begin) but I'm already looking forward to the future. Here's to living another day.

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