Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My week in electronic communication & then some

From Mom:

Hi Kat,

According with your busy schedule I hardly find right time to call you.But as a parent I have couple things like to know what is in your mind.

1st: As a secretary general that will be great experience for you. How do you thought about it? What a long term would effect to you?

2nd: Be a secretary general that mean you will have very busy senior year. What is the impact for your academic performance? For your own future either go law school or graduate school or even looking for job after college. I hope you can keep your GPA. That may be challenge for you. I still remember when you chose junior classes in high school I thought 5 AP classes was too much for you but you said:"some junior can do it I can do it too". I hope you still have that spirit.

Wish can got your response soon. Have nice evening!



Sent from my iPhone

---- the most impressive thing is definitely that she wrote this all out on her iphone. Must have taken her ages!!!

From Dad:

Mom told me this good news. I was looking for a good reason to go to
Black Angus, and this is a pretty good one.
Join us if you can, we will do it some time this week.

---- cute. Black Angus is a steak house my parents would take me to everytime I did something well in highschool (get straight As, 5s on APs, etc). Haven't been rewarded with that in a long while :p

Random convo quotes:

AJ (She hates that but it works here): why'd you curse yourself for the two weeks leading up to nmun?
me: oh because I had to prepare so much stuff that I hadnt yet.. haha
my AD was like I thought the committee might not happen
and I was like shush u
I haz worldmun stuff to do
AJ: you are going to be saying those last two lines so much for the next 11 months

me: wompwomp
this candidacy statement is going to be like 30 pages... sigh
AJ: right. like a thesis substitute
me: and then no one will read it

And to top it all off a quote from my awesome best friend who I haven't been able to see as much lately because of WorldMUN/random shiz.

RL: What is this white stuff falling out of the sky?
S: .... snow!??? Where have you been??


My week has been like

Tuesday: Arrive back from Singapore, meet S, my bff from home who's visiting for the week
Weds/Thurs: Take her around, go out chillax, try to catch up on work
Fri: Wake up to txts about friend puking all over bed. Wash sheets. Go to class. Go to NYC. Arrive in NYC, go to dinner, bar, lounge, club. Lose friend. Eat korean food. Go to sleep in deflating air mattress.
Sat: Wake up at 10. Swimming in deflating air mattress. Terrible nauseating hangover. Go back to sleep while feeling guilty about not doing work. Wake up at 2. Find friend. Go to Times Square. Go to MoMA. Look for friend's lost iPhone. To go Ippudo Ramen. Pack. Wait for bus for 45 minutes in 20 degree weather. Get into bus. Defrost.
Sun: Write SecGen Candidacy Statement for WorldMUN from midnight until 3 am. Sleep from 3-4 am. Wake up. Take cab home. Wash up. Sleep from 5-8 am. Wake up at 8 am and walk to quad. Speak with 5 Quadlings about candidacy. Walk to River at noon. Speak with 10 some odd people from Lowell to Eliot to Lowell to Kirkland back to Eliot. Go to friend's place at 1145. Eat Bonchon chicken. Play 2 rounds of beerpong. Go back to room. Fall asleep at 3 am.
Mon: Wake up with a fever. Spend entire day writing 5000 word/13 page Candidacy Statement.
Tuesday: A normal day.

Friday, March 18, 2011


Why does it always take such situations for us to open up to each other?

Tell me more more often, you know I love you AT (:

Monday, March 14, 2011


Singapore is humid! And food is cheap!

I've been sleeping under 5 hours for the past few days and it looks like this trend is going to continue. Unlike last year, my job is not over with the passing of the first day of registration. The pressure is just beginning to set in.

I trust everyone to do a fantastic job this week. I hope everyone has a good time. I'm kind of jealous of those running a committee - committees are so much fun (especially after my awesome NMUN experience). I'm sure being a USG will be rewarding as well. Either way, looking forward to it!

Stop here to avoid sappiness.

Things are pretty busy but still going through the days with a tinge of melancholy. I think this song sums it up pretty well, don't you?

You are the earth beneath my feet.
You are my gravity.

Peace out cub scouts.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

2 Weeks in Singapore

Leaving in under 24 hours for Singapore. This 2 week romp is going to be so epic. The social events sound awesome already:
Night Zero - delegates who arrive early get to party with us in da club, woot.
Global Village - 30 teams bring food, drank, souvenirs from their home countries to share with everyone; ends in a dance party (soo much fun)
Glo - black light party at some swanky club
ASEAN Night - eat in Singapore's famous giant food court & dance after
Cabaret - We need to get our dance down for this... womp. Ends in an outdoor dance party (in 80 degree weather.. ahh)
Farewell party - party on the beach. Cannot wait. Always epic.

Then there's the post conference trip on a beach in Bali. Spring break is going to be so baller. (Work hard during the day, party hard at night, try to wake up at 6 am the next day, repeat)

Also super excited for the WorldMUN Spirit. What does that mean? Well it's different for everyone (and this is something we ask people who interview to be a part of WorldMUN so keep it on the DL) but for me it definitely resides in the interactions you have with people. Last year when I came back from WorldMUN I felt like speaking to everyone who just so happened to be around me; and let's face it, that type of random interaction doesn't happen often at Harvard. But being with people from around the world who want to interact with you makes you open up more than you would normally be comfortable with. There are people that I met from last year who have been messaging me all year telling me how excited they are for WorldMUN.
Conversation and interaction in both serious (read: committee) and relaxed (read: party) settings, being open to people at all times and having fun - That's the WorldMUN spirit.

Sherry's coming to visit after all that. I'll have a ton of work to do but... hopefully will still be able to show her a good time (despite the jet lag).