Saturday, January 22, 2011


During the movie S and I try to figure out where the characters in Requiem for a Dream are.
K: Where ARE they?
S: I don't know, bumblefuck?
K: Hahahaha! Hey maybe it's Boston, look at the architecture.
S: Whatever, they live in the middle of bumblefuck.
Right then a Taxi drives by with the writing NYC on its side.
K: So... where do you live?
S: QQ, bumblefuck!

Friday, January 14, 2011

newbs cont.

Now my dad's getting an iPhone too. Niiicee.

To all you newbs without smart phones

My mom came home today with a free iPhone.
Can't imagine how she's going to use it, but I think I'll teach her how to text.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I hate Januarys

They always get me down.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Quotes Continued

Today I was accosted and forced to drive a van after recently having just started driving again. I had to drive my friend's mom to her house (without accident, whew) to drop her of and then drove us to a store. As I was driving I noticed the mirror was pointed down to somewhere around the backseat and point out "man, your mom is short!"
J responds matter of factly, "that's because you're wearing heels"
"... I'm sitting DOWN!"

J whilst scrubbing dishes (there's something about J that just inspires my mom to make us do manual labor. I never wash the dishes when any other friends come over. Just him) "you know what feels really good? Using a bobby pin to clean your ear"
"Yeah!" I respond enthusiastically "having your ear cleaned by someone feels soo good. I remember when I was a little kid I saw the parents of my friend cleaning each others' ear and I thought to myself 'that is true love!'"
My mom scoffs loudly while cleaning in the living room.
J turns around, "was that your brother?"
My mom pops her head in to comment, "I just thought of.. two gorillas, picking each other's flies, heheheh"

Thanks mom.

Kat's Kitchen: Home Edition

Wolfgang Puck's Lamb Chops Chinois:

et voila.

Family Snapshots

My family is sitting in the car on our way back from a family friend party. My siblings and I are in the backseat discussing our dreams. My little brother tells one of his particularly horrifying ones. "There was this one where I was on this small green island. And I looked down, and next to my feet were these words. They spelled Africa. And I was like 'NOOOOOOOUUUU!'"

My sister, while eating oranges. "Oh! My tooth fell out! I almost ate it because I thought that it was a seed!"

My father, moves the wine glass away from me. "This one's for mom."

My mother, after S visited. "He was such a sweet boy, he made his bed"
"Uh, his own bed?"
"No he made your brother's bed!"

Five days until I'm back at Harvard.