Monday, September 27, 2010

It went on and on and..

I was asleep in a bed in Shanghai circa a mixture between the 1920s and 2001. Awoken by my alarm on my crappy Nokia cellphone that I used in South Africa, I rolled out of bed and went about my daily morning duties before A, my fellow intern in Cape Town, a group of friends, and a teacher figure who was a mix between Madame and Professor Theidon (some intimidating female figure) walk in.

No sooner than the people had walked in did the alarm start going off again. This set off a mad scramble to find the phone - no where! Where was that annoying alarm coming from? Eventually I found the phone, but its data had been erased and all that was left were photographs of revelry. None of which I recognized or was in. Frustrated I chased after the group of people who had already left, eager to get away from the loud and obnoxiously ringing alarm.

Going through the revolving doors and into the misty weather I eventually caught up with the group at a corner shop. The alarm was still ringing. A showed up in a qipao telling me that Madame/Theidon really cared about my family and had bought us all sorts of small goods. I complained "The world is an alarm! It's warning me!"

And then I woke up and realized my alarm had been ringing for the past 10 minutes. Whew, seemed like a day in dream-time. Inception complete.

Friday, September 17, 2010


I think I'm too amused reading other people's blogs to post on my own.

Anyway, here is the backdrop to my year - my commitments!

School Work: 2 core classes (learning the philosophy of my ancestors and reading romance novels), Junior Tutorial (our TF wants to do a module on porn where we'll watch everything from soft core, to hard core, to interracial and then analyze it using a freudian lens - titillating, he called it), and Japanese Art and Gender (by far my most reading and analysis intensive class) for my VES secondary.
Overall not bad so long as I keep up with readings and try not to zone out too much during class. Lighter workload leads to more procrastination.

Breakers: Our first show of ever is coming up this October! Once we start pubbing it it'll be official. Looking forward to the practices & bonding. My gcal is over flowing with breakers blue.
Overall going to be super intensive come October when we try to really pull this show off - looks already like I'm having practices almost every night...

WorldMUN: Study guide edits equals 40 x 8 more pages of reading for me, sigh. I can't even skim this stuff! But, truly, the people in WorldMUN are what make me stay, and the people are awesome! Every time I hang out with them it's all laughs. I cannot wait for Singapore.
Overall it's a constant barrage of work that never quite ends until committee sessions come to a close (post conference trip bliss!) but so, so worth it.

Crimson: Where's my money for doing design?????? I meet a new person there every time. It's interesting.
Overall I'm sad that there are no more board happy hours. Clearly I got back into it at the wrong time. Also, sport design is challenging but fun. I don't like skipping my dinners every time I design ):

Consulting: Aka summer internship in general. It's kind of hazily always in the back of my mind.
Overall stresses me out about how low my GPA is and how I need to raise it to get good summer internships. Oh, and I need to finish (aka get past page thirty of) Case in Point. Bah.

Mario Kart: R, I will beat you... sommme daaayyy.
Overall some things never change - what can I say.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

On the road to consultingdom

Aka I just ordered Case in Point off the internet.

Today's task: go to a Bain info session.
Result: Listened to a recent graduate talk about the important aspects of consultingdom (don't be a tool during interviews, only bother staying at info sessions if there will be people you know there, Bain>BGC & McKinsey, hah). Attempted to follow her and the crowd as they walked to the info session. Decided to take alternate route. Got lost. Ate fish tacos at Border Cafe. Sessioned.

The end.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Polaroids part deux

Food always looks better in polaroid form

Qui est?

Oh hello Korea!

Sexual Tension

No Comment.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

On the first day of class

I realized that I bought two bottles of shampoo instead of a bottle of shampoo and a bottle of conditioner. Bollox.