Saturday, May 22, 2010

Socal so far (LA & a night in Irvine)

Whoever came up with the imagery of clouds as innocent fluff balls of magical effervescence surely never rode a plane. My one hour of peaceful sleep from San Francisco to Los Angeles was disrupted by those dastardly beings. Otherwise, it was a smooth flight.

Upon arrival, my friend M, who is so tall and lanky she makes me look stubby and fat, and her friend ML, a first year Law School student at Santa Clara with scraggly long hair and kind eyes (and the same first name as Edgeworth from Ace Attorney!), came to pick me up at the airport. From there began our mini tour of LA.

Venice Beach was the first official stop. The wind was picking up and I felt rather cold in my shirt and shorts but more so I was feeling out of place. This was because I lacked a pair of sunglasses. I kid you not, even the guy rollerblading down the street in a turban with an electric guitar and a goofy smile on his face had a pair of nice shades! Determined to get a pair I found trendy yellow and blue ones that Y deemed "I hope you didn't pay much for those, they look like toys". Oh to be a slave of fashion, and such. They were five dollars, a toy's price.

Next we headed over to the Grove which, for some reason, I thought would be like the Asian Ghetto at Berkeley. Instead it was more like the touristy and glamorous streets of Waikiki in Hawaii, complete with an International Marketplace Place setup and everything. M, MI, and I went to get crepes with nutella, whipped cream, and powdered sugar. All you need for a successful crepe, really.

Our final destination for the night was an all you can eat Korean BBQ. There I ate until I truly felt like the bulgogi going down was coming instantly back up. It was delicious but man, good thing MI was unstoppable. If only my stomach were like M's, as according to MI it can "burn 4,000 calories" in a day. Looking at her I don't doubt it at all.

Once home in M's sweet studio I watched arrested development from episode one until I fell asleep around episode seven or so. It was hilarious. I'll need to find a way to watch it while in South Africa.

I ended up sleeping on my glasses which was painful, but sleeping on a full sized bed instead of a twin was super nice. As was waking up at 11 am (30 minutes ago). Ironically, I haven't seen Irvine campus yet even though I'm technically visiting UC Irvine. Oh well, guess I'll have to meet & greet Kaba Modern another time.

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