Friday, December 17, 2010

The suspense is effin killin me

Never agree to do an interview "some time after 3 pm".

After A came over this past week he helped me realize that there are parts of my personality that have definitely stemmed purely from being at college, that I had never noticed until he pointed them out. One of them being that I tend to swear a lot more now, and in public. Being surrounded by college students who don't care a fickle about swearing, or so I assume, has led me to become very lax with my vocabulary.
Although on second thought, I should have realized things were going bad when watching a movie in tutorial (a class of 6 people) and my instant reaction to bees coming out of a man's mouth as he bent down to kiss a woman was "oooh shhiii---".
Oops. Pardonnez mon français.

Gosh dangers, when are these people ever going to call.